Underage Drinking

You Can Prevent Drunk Driving


Too many lives are being taken away in the United States due to one of the most preventable causes of death: drunk driving accidents. 37 people die each day in a preventable drunk driving crash, and one-third of fatal car accidents involve a drunk driver.  

The legal blood alcohol content (BAC) limit to drive may be .08, but no amount of alcohol is safe to drive under. In 2022, crashes involving a BAC of .01 to .07 killed 2,337 people. This is because even small amounts of alcohol affect the body in significant ways. A .02 BAC results in less reliable vision and trouble multitasking. A .05 BAC lowers concentration and slows steering and response rates. At a .08 BAC, perception is significantly altered, with declines in concentration and processing. A BAC of .08 makes a crash 4 times more likely. If a .15 BAC is reached, the driver has muscle control problems and unreliable vision and hearing.  

If you consider the risks and potentially exponential costs of drunk driving, there are easy ways to prevent an accident. Never drive after drinking, even if you don’t feel drunk. Without a test, there is no way to know your own BAC. After a drink, you may think that you or a friend is safe to drive, but your body is really impaired. Don’t allow a friend to drive intoxicated, either. If you are able to, take their keys and arrange a ride for them. Never get in the car with a drunk driver. If you are not absolutely sure that the driver is not impaired in any way, find a ride with someone else or use an online service. It is never worth it to make a decision that could potentially alter your life. 

When driving on the road, always wear a seatbelt to protect against any drunk drivers you may come across on the road. Avoid using your phone while driving so that your attention can be focused to avoid a crash. Be cautious always when driving and make decisions that will keep you safe.

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