Cannabis/ Marijuana

Is Marijuana Harmful?


Although most students don’t use marijuana, 12% of Missouri high schoolers report using it in the past 30 days. The perception of harm is low, and most teens report that they primarily use marijuana for enjoyment. Those who use marijuana multiple times per month report using it because they are bored, coping, struggling with sleep, or want to enjoy social gatherings. The truth is: marijuana is not harmless. It’s not a cure-all, and marijuana use comes with great risk to teens.

There are many concerning statistics that increase the risk of teen marijuana use:

  • 1 in 6 teen users develop addiction and marijuana use disorder.
  • About 14% of drivers who die in accidents have marijuana in their blood.
  • THC is more potent now. In the 1990s, marijuana flowers had 3 to 4 percent THC. As of 2022, they have an average of 16% THC, and marijuana concentrates can have 40 to 90 percent THC.
  • Although significant consequences of use have been found, 43% of high school students in Missouri report that they think there is ‘no’ or ‘slight risk’.

Teenage brains are not fully developed. This means that marijuana use has a higher risk for teens than adults.

Significant risks can result from repeated teen marijuana use:

  • Damage to areas of the brain responsible for learning, attention, and memory
  • Lung problems from smoking marijuana, similar to those from smoking cigarettes
  • Lower athletic performance

Marijuana use is also associated with:

  • Suicidal ideation and attempts
  • Complications with male fertility
  • Poor school performance and increased dropout rates
  • Social anxiety
  • Lower income at age 25
  • Lower levels of relationship and life satisfaction

Weigh the pros of a safe and sober lifestyle versus the cons of cannabis use. Is using marijuana really worth the risk of addiction and the consequences that come with it? Think twice before using any substance and share the facts with your friends.

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